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For info and details on the full redesign, check out Gragas's main redesign page

Innate: Heavy Drinker

Gragas's generous girth cushions short-ranged blows, causing him to take flat reduced damage from basic attacks if the attacker is within a certain proximity. (This effect is halved against minions and monsters)

Q: Cask Hammer

Gragas slams his cask on the ground, drenching nearby enemies in alcohol, dealing physical damage based on his maximum health and reducing their movement speed and attack speed by a % for a short duration.

W: Bottoms Up

Gragas channels, drinking heavily from his cask. If the channel is completed, Gragas will heal himself for a % of his maximum health over the next few seconds and reduce incoming damage by a % for the duration. Bottoms Up's cooldown is reduced whenever he takes damage (less reduction when attacked by minions).

E: Body Slam

Gragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy unit he hits, dealing physical damage based on his maximum health to enemies in the area, knocking them back, and stunning them briefly when they land.

R: Explosive Brew

Gragas throws his cask to the target location, where it explodes, dealing physical damage based on his maximum health to all enemies in the area and knocking them away.

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