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Welcome to the League of Legends Redesign Master Site! For the time being, consider this a central hub for most (and eventually all) of my work pertaining to League of Legends. 


While I am not a Rioter and am not working on this in any official capacity, I have spent the last 3 or so years developing and prescribing changes to various 

older aspects of League of Legends to bring them more in-line with Riot's more modern design philosophies and goals. 


In the process, I have also done my best to break champion design down into as much of a science as I can, to create a stronger and more consistent design criteria, which in turn can be used to create healthier, more satisfying, and more easily balanceable champions. This includes shaping kit gameplay and psychology through EER (ability mechanics that Encourage, Enable, and Reward specific gameplay), tying visuals and gameplay together through heavily theme-informed mechanics, and allowing champions to own their unique niche while creating a healthier game through heavily exaggerated and gameplay-oriented strengths and weaknesses.


While updates to older content are vital when it comes to maintaining League's health over a longer period of time, the sheer volume of champion redesigns necessary in order to bring LoL's full roster up to date (as well as other changes that will eventually become necessary, such as creating a custom engine for the game so that not everything is minions) are collectively so drastic that implementing them all into League of Legends in its current state would only serve to confuse and disorient veterans, while the constant changes would make it that much harder for new players to pick up. Though ultimately necessary, all of the redesigns documented on this website would be best if incorporated via a sequel to LoL, allowing it to grow and evolve past the boundaries currently created by its nature as a game that has already been released.


That being said, this project is only part of a larger effort known as "LoL2", currently under development by a team consisting of 8 of my colleagues from various disciplines, and myself. While our goals may be ambitious, we are working our asses off so that we may one day help make them a reality, as industry professionals and as Rioters. 

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